Monday, October 13, 2008

Chapter 1 Test -- Due 10/16/08

Now that we have completed our work on Chapter 1, it is time to assess how well students are learning the material. I will be sending a test home with the students on Tuesday. I am asking that all students work on these by him or herself, and that parents not help their children with the test. This exercise is designed to gauge how well students are mastering material taught in class and to see where there are any holes in instruction.

Students should "study" these sections before sitting down to take the test, and the test should be completed during one block of time. I am asking that students not use a calculator. So that they have the best chance of success, students should find a distraction-free environment in which to take the test. Use as much paper as you need and show all your work!!

I will be collecting the test on Thursday, October 16th and will check it and provide feedback to students.

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