Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Topics & Assignments for 11/18/08

Our focus in Math 6 class has turned to working with decimals. Topics for this week include estimation strategies for adding & subtracting decimals, and then actually adding and subtracting decimal numbers. I had planned an in-class activity for practical use of these skills that we'll do when we return after Thanksgiving.

In the mean time I am asking that parents please keep your grocery store receipts for items you purchase for your Thanksgiving meal. Students will be asked to estimate and then calculate the cost of feeding their families for Thanksgiving (after we complete our in-class activity).

I have uploaded a packet to the Yahoo site that covers Section 3-4 (Estimating Sums & Differences) and Section 3-5 (Finding Decimal Sums & Differences). If you wish, you may also work out the odd numbered problems in your book and check the answers in the back. We will applying these skills in class so any work that can be done over our mini-break will be helpful!

You can find the packet here:

Finally, we are still working hard on multiplication, so please continue to work on the basic multiplication facts!

As I come across some interesting websites and resources for working with decimals, I'll pass them along under a separate blog entry.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fun with Decimals

For a fun game that works on place value, try this site:

Here's a game on decimal estimation:

If you are interested in identifying decimals, check this one out:

For comparing and ordering decimals, here is a good game:

If you are in need of more practice worksheets, there are some good, short ones here:

Doing Decimals.... topics for the week of 11/11/08

Sorry for the delay in posting my weekly blog...

This week we are beginning to discover the world of decimal numbers. First, we'll focus on numbers and place value, which will lead into saying and writing numbers with decimals. To reinforce place value, we'll talk about numbers in expanded form:

EX: 145.32 = (1 x 100) + (4 x 10) + (5 x 1) + (3 x 0.1) + (2 x 0.01)

The next topic will be comparing and ordering decimal numbers, and inequalities. We'll continue to focus on place value, and annexing zeroes when necessary to help with the comparision.

Finally, we'll discuss (and review) rounding decimals.

From here, we are going to work on the four basic operations with decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division). I realize that long division is a tricky skill, so when we get to decimal division, we're going to spend some time on long division of whole numbers first. To get ready for this important skill, students must be well versed in the multiplication facts. Please continue to work together on mastery of the basic multiplication facts. We'll be doing the "mad minute" in class each day as practice. Ask your kids about this activity...

Homework assignments by section and estimated day:

Section 3-1: Representing Decimals (Tuesday)
* Pages 140-141 #'s 13-33 odd, 43 (OPTIONAL -- Challenge #'s 38, 39, 40)

Section 3-2: Comparing & Ordering Decimals (Thursday)
* Pages 144-145 #'s 7-29 odd, 33, 36 (OPTIONAL -- Challenge #34)

Section 3-3: Rounding Decimals
* Pages 148-149 #'s 9-28 all, 30, 34, 36-40 all

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This week's topics are coming soon...

Sorry folks...I haven't had a chance to post this week's topics and assignments. I will try to finish up tonight. We are working on decimals & place value, and brushing up on multiplication facts. Ask your kids about the famous game of Nim.....