Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Homework due 1/22/09

Hi Everyone!

We are making some excellent progress with fractions already! Today we discussed equivalent fractions and putting fractions in simplest form. Tonight's assignment was listed on my last blog, but for those of you who do not have it, please complete:

Pages 207-208 #'s 10-27 all, 29, 31, 35, 36

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time for Fractions!

We have covered all the material on decimal operations. We'll continue to reinforce these concepts as we move forward in the class. This week's discussions will center around fractions. On Tuesday, we'll discuss greatest common factor. On Thursday, we'll use the GCF to simplify fractions. We'll also investigate equivalent fractions through a math mini-lab.

We will continue our mad minutes, so keep practicing your multiplication facts!!!

Homework by section and estimated days are as follows:

4-1: Greatest Common Factor (Tuesday)
* pp. 200-201 #'s 9-12 all, 13-21 odd, 45, 46

4-2: Simplifying Fractions (Thursday)
* pp. 207-208 #'s 10-27 all, 29, 31, 35, 36

Monday, January 5, 2009

Looking forward to a great new year in Math 6!

Hello everyone. It's great to be back -- I hope you all had a great vacation and are refreshed and ready to take on the new year.

We will continue to work on our "mad minutes" to reinforce the multiplication facts.

****If you have calculators, please bring them to class this week!!!*****

Since we have been away for so long, our first order of business will be to review decimal addition, subtraction & multiplication, and division with whole number divisors. From there we'll investigate number patterns with division and finally move to division by decimal divisors.

Homework assignments for this week are as follows:

Review of decimal operations: (Tuesday)
* Worksheet on decimal operations.

Dividing by Decimals: (Thursday)
* pp. 181-183 #'s 10, 13, 14, 18, 19 , 20, 21, 22, 27-33 odd, 42, 45
* Worksheet on decimal operations.