Monday, January 5, 2009

Looking forward to a great new year in Math 6!

Hello everyone. It's great to be back -- I hope you all had a great vacation and are refreshed and ready to take on the new year.

We will continue to work on our "mad minutes" to reinforce the multiplication facts.

****If you have calculators, please bring them to class this week!!!*****

Since we have been away for so long, our first order of business will be to review decimal addition, subtraction & multiplication, and division with whole number divisors. From there we'll investigate number patterns with division and finally move to division by decimal divisors.

Homework assignments for this week are as follows:

Review of decimal operations: (Tuesday)
* Worksheet on decimal operations.

Dividing by Decimals: (Thursday)
* pp. 181-183 #'s 10, 13, 14, 18, 19 , 20, 21, 22, 27-33 odd, 42, 45
* Worksheet on decimal operations.

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